Universal National Model Posts

The following links will help you set up and take down the round blue posts efficiently and safely.

Important notes when adjusting height of posts:

  1. Whilst posts are relatively new there are some sharp-ish edges on the round knobs - use a rag to protect your hands when turning.
  2. The knobs must be fully tightened to prevent slider from dropping.  Allowing to drop can result in damage to the posts.

Note that the videos and instructions are based on the posts at Stowupland. At MSLC in Stowmarket there is a mixture of imperial and metric floor sockets.  The wheels on the posts use imperial anchors and these should be used when using the single match-play court across the whole hall.  Alternative metric anchors are stored in the bag with the nets and these are to be used when setting up nets down the length of the hall.